Zyon Ayni: “We Are in Contact with Governments All Over the World”

Zyon Ayni - TradeArabia

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Zyon Ayni, Founder and CEO of Code Pharma, explained in an interview for TradeArabia about Codivir, a new medication that fights against COVID-19. Code Pharma claimed that in a successful phase 1 clinical trial, the affected patients were back on their feet in 48 hours with no side effects.

Ayni said: “Codivir showed great success in clinical trials and already has received emergency approvals in different countries for the treatment of coronavirus patients. Our team at Code Pharma are now initiating a multi-country phase 2 study with a larger cohort and has submitted additional emergency approval requests to several affected countries”.

“We are in contact with governments all over the world and expect to get emergency approvals from a substantial number of them by the end of a successful phase II study”, Zyon Ayni added.

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